Course curriculum

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    • Resource list

    • Printable Resources

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    Week 1 - Session 1

    • Place Value Explained

    • Place Value Practise

    • Place Value Application

    • Week 1 - Session 1 PowerPoints

    • Venn Diagram

  • 4

    Week 1 - Session 2

    • Place Value Problem Worksheet

    • Place Value Problem Solving and Reasoning

    • Place Value Application to a SATs Question

    • Week 1 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Assessment Questions

    • Completing Numbers

  • 5

    Week 1 - Session 3

    • Rounding Explained

    • Rounding Generalisation

    • Rounding Application

    • Week 1 - Session 3 PowerPoints

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    Week 1 - Session 4

    • Rounding Application to a SATs Question

    • Rounding Problem Solving

    • Week 1 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Assessment Questions

    • Rounding Populations Problem

    • Place Value Evaluation

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    Week 2 - Session 1

    • Introductory activity for Addition and Subtraction

    • Mental Strategies

    • Mental Strategies 2

    • Week 2 - Session 1 PowerPoints

    • Rhombus 9

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    Week 2 - Session 2

    • Mental Addition and Subtraction Application

    • Mental Addition and Subtraction - Application to SATs Questions

    • Week 2 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Assessment Questions

    • True or False

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    Week 2 - Session 3

    • Written Addition

    • Written Subtraction

    • Week 2 - Session 3 PowerPoints

    • Place Value Chart

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    Week 2 - Session 4

    • Problem Solving with Written Methods of Addition and Subtraction

    • Copy of Written Addition and Subtraction - Application to SATs Questions

    • Week 2 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Assessment Questions

    • Missing Box Questions

    • Addition and Subtraction Evaluation

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    Week 3 - Session 1

    • Multiples

    • Factors

    • Mental Strategies

    • Using Known Facts

    • Associative Law

    • Week 3 - Session 1 PowerPoints

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    Week 3 - Session 2

    • Reasoning with Mental Multiplication

    • Mental Multiplication - Application to SATs Questions

    • Week 3 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Assessment Questions

    • True or False

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    Week 3 - Session 3

    • Written Multiplication x 1 digit number

    • Written Multiplication x 2 digit number

    • Week 3 - Session 3 PowerPoint

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    Week 3 - Session 4

    • Problem Solving with Written Multiplication

    • Written Multiplication - Application to SATs Questions

    • Week 3 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Spot the Mistake

    • Written Multiplication Dice Question

    • Multiplication Evaluation

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    Week 4 - Session 1

    • Mental Division Using Known Facts

    • Mental Division

    • Week 4 - Session 1 PowerPoints

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    Week 4 - Session 2

    • Mental Division Application

    • Mental Division - Application to SATs Questions

    • Week 4 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Assessment Question

    • True or False

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    Week 4 - Session 3

    • Written Division

    • Week 4 - Session 3 PowerPoint

    • Short Division Question

    • Spot the Mistakes

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    Week 4 - Session 4

    • Division Top Tips

    • Reasoning with Division

    • Division - Application to SATs questions

    • Week 4 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Assessment Questions

    • Division Reasoning Question

    • Division Evaluation

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    Week 5 - Session 1

    • Fractions Explained

    • Comparing Fractions

    • Comparing Fractions - Problem Solving and Reasoning

    • Fraction Bars Worksheet

    • Week 5 - Session 1 PowerPoints

    • Comparing Fractions

    • Fraction Bars

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    Week 5 - Session 2

    • Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

    • Converting between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

    • Problem Solving with Fractions

    • Week 5 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Problem Solving

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    Week 5 - Session 3

    • Equivalent Fractions

    • Reasoning with Equivalent Fractions

    • Week 5 - Session 3 PowerPoints

    • Convince Me

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    Week 5 - Session 4

    • Problem Solving with Fractions

    • Fractions - Application to SATs questions

    • Week 5 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Equivalent Fractions Problem

    • Fractions Evaluation

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    Week 6 - Session 1

    • Understanding Tenths

    • Hundredths and Thousandths

    • Rounding Decimals

    • Week 6 - Session 1 PowerPoints

    • Comparing Tenths

    • Place Value Chart - Hundredths

    • Place Value Chart

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    Week 6 - Session 2

    • Equivalent Fractions and Decimals

    • Equivalent Decimals and Fractions - Application to SATs questions

    • Week 6 - Session 2 PowerPoints

    • Assessment Questions

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    Week 6 - Session 3

    • Adding Decimals

    • Subtracting Decimals

    • Decimals linked to money

    • Decimals - Application to SATs questions

    • Week 6 - Session 3 PowerPoints

    • Adding Decimals

    • Subtracting Decimals

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    Week 6 - Session 4

    • Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

    • Decimals - Problem Solving and Application to SATs questions

    • Week 6 - Session 4 PowerPoints

    • Feedback

    • Assessment Questions

    • Decimals Evaluation